The Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) is the Catholic Church's domestic anti-poverty, social justice program. Its mission is to address the root causes of poverty in America through promoting and supporting community-controlled self-help organizations and transformative education.
Founded in 1969, CCHD's pastoral strategy is to provide education to justice as well as provide the support and funds needed by those seeking to help themselves out of poverty and injustice. This ministry of the Church provides an opportunity for all Catholics to respond to the pervasive poverty in the United States. It calls Catholics to know and live the social tradition of the Church and is a ministry rooted in our baptism and faith commitment.
The national grants, economic development, and education for justice programs of CCHD are implemented in conjunction with each diocese and are supported by the local parish collection taken each year. The Diocese of Raleigh takes up its annual collection each year in November.
To find out more about CCHD grants, visit the Diocesan website at: CCHD Grants | Diocese of Raleigh