The Catechetical Institute by Franciscan University of Steubenville exists to prepare students to help the Church in her mission of evangelization and disciple-making.
These free online courses are designed to engage, inspire and excite learners as they explore the depths of the Catholic Faith. Inspirational teachers from Franciscan University help students learn through exploration of Sacred Scripture, Tradition, Saints and church documents in short videos.
Learners have an opportunity with both head and heart to engage in the material learned through reflection of personal experiences, a conversation with a friend or prayerful contemplation in a written assignment following each video. Franciscan Catechetical Institute courses help students understand the truth, beauty and goodness of the faith so they will be inspired and able to pass it on to others.
More than just teaching to the mind, these courses teach to the heart of each individual; bringing opportunities to not only learn new concepts but to grow deeper in faith with Jesus Christ.
The Dioceses of Raleigh provides certification for basic tracks for you to become a certified volunteer in some ministries.
Dioceses of Raleigh
Basic Diocesan Catechist Certification Track
Mentor Training
RCIA Certification Track
Youth Ministry Certificate Track
Franciscan at Home also provides tracks to help learn or even grow deeper in your faith.
Franciscan Tracks
Catechist (CT) Track
Catechumenal Ministry (RCIA) Track
Catholic Schools (CS) Track
Familia y Fe Hispana (Hispanic Faith and Family Track)
Four Pillars of the Catechism (FPC) Track
Ministry of Parenting (MP) Track
Online Catechetical Institute Mentoring Training
Parish Catechetical Leader (PCL) Track
Pastoral Accompaniment (PA) Track
Youth Ministry (YM) Track
Please click on this link to take you to Francican at Home
Follow the steps on the flyer to help sign up for FREE. If you have any questions about Franciscan at Home please contact the Director of Faith Formation, Emi Guerra at (919) 734-5033opt.7